A kitten follows a shrill person in a parking lot and begs to be adopted.

Sometimes animals know who to ask. Maybe it’s a gift from God. I love people who volunteer to help animals right away and it has happened to all of our animals too…he deserves a good life, he is so So cute…!πŸ’•πŸ’• A man named Jason Berisha, who lives in Georgia, said he came across a stray kitten in a parking lot.

Jason’s share: I was returning my rental car when suddenly a cute gray kitten appeared and screamed for help. The kitten quickly ran up to his arm, smelled his hand, and rubbed it all over his face. It was clear that the kitten wanted affection and attention from him.

A gentle cat conquered his heart. He picked him up and put him in the car with him. On the way home, the kitten snuggled into Jason’s arms and fell asleep on his lap. Jason calls him “Popeye”, feeds him and introduces him to his corgi dog. Amazingly, the two animals quickly became friends and formed an adorable bond.

But a week later, a friend fell in love with Popeye and offered him a forever home. Although he loves Popeye, he decided to leave the care of the kitten to his friend. He knows he will get the love and care he deserves in his new home.

Thank you to this kind-hearted man who saved adorable little Popeye! Through him he was adopted into a loving family.

My eyes were filled with tears. he found his angel He rescued Mahalo, Jason Berisha and Popeye and found them a wonderful home. πŸ’•πŸ’• His friend adopted the cat and I’m glad I can still see himπŸ’•

God bless him and his new family!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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