Meet the Couple Who Can’t Help But Adopt Three-Legged Dogs

When Breanna Sarver decided to have a puppy, she started browsing online for a healthy, active golden retriever. She believed Casey was born with three legs but was supposed to be her dog since they instantly linked.

Sarver drove the two hours to pick up Casey and formally welcome her into her family as soon as she saw her photos. Sarver and Casey were inseparable from the moment they met and started working together. Casey never did anything out of the ordinary; she was just glad to live with her mother and best friend.

According to everyone who has met her, the best word to describe her is “happy,” Sarver told The Dodo. She was always smiling. She goes in the vehicle with me to work every day and enjoys meeting new people, making friends, saying goodbye to me when I leave for the day, and picking out her favorite toy at Petco. She was really kind and loyal. For more than a year, she was my right hand, and I never left the home without her.

Sarver and her partner opted to adopt Harper, a shepherd-mix, because of Casey’s beauty and their desire to help others like her. Harper and Casey were doing well after moving in together, but tragedy struck a month later.

Casey died in an accident not long after Harper was taken in. Her mother was at a loss for words in such a severe situation, and her parents were taken aback. Sarver called the woman from whom she had adopted Casey two days after Casey died to convey the dreadful news. Despite the fact that Casey’s brother, who was born with just three legs, was looking for a place to live, the mother wasn’t too concerned.

Sarver says, “I never thought I’d be able to accept another dog into the family for quite a while after Casey’s heartbreaking loss.” But, every now and again, destiny does incredible feats.

Chance was welcomed into the family the moment Sarver picked him up four days after Casey died.

Sarver said, “It was one of the best choices I could have ever made.” Despite my grief, “He comforted me in ways I could never have imagined.”

Sarver was astounded by how much Casey resembled Chance as he aged. They had similar personalities, physical characteristics, smiles, and little idiosyncrasies. Casey seemed to have never left after adopting Chance and was now always present in Chance’s life.

“Sometimes I forget that they aren’t the same dog,” Sarver said. Anyone else would find it difficult to grasp why I feel her spirit is still with us via Chance.

Chance and the other three-legged dogs ultimately accepted a blind puppy named Oakley to their pack after helping Sarver cope with her sadness over Casey’s death. After acquiring Oakley, the couple began referring to their dogs as the “tripawd squad.”

Some people marvel how the couple can have so many three-legged creatures, even though it comes easily to them. It is just their family to them.

People, contrary to popular belief, do not struggle nearly as much with three-legged dogs, according to Sarver. They are fantastic in jumping, running, swimming, and playing. I can only infer that they burn out far faster than four-legged dogs. Hoping allows them to transport larger things with fewer legs, but it requires more work than walking. We’d want to take them on vacation, but we must be cautious not to overwork them.

To avoid putting unnecessary pressure on their joints, the spouse must constantly monitor the weight of the animals. They maintain a healthy and active lifestyle and take joint supplements on a daily basis to help avoid future joint issues.

The tripawd squad’s three dogs seem to really care for one another and recognize that they are all in this together. When one of them gets sick, the other two rush to his side.

Sarver reported that Chance was aware of Oakley’s blindness before we were, “when we brought Oakley home.” Harper’s preoccupation with sticks meant he’d never be able to get his hands on any of Chance’s sticks. As the youngster passed, Oakley would be waiting, making sure he didn’t drop the stick and holding it up for him to gnaw on.

Sarver and her partner had no intention of adopting three-legged dogs when they first met Casey, but after experiencing the love and pleasure that these animals can provide, they have changed their views. They are happy to have Willow, a puppy, join their tiny family in Casey’s honor as the team’s fourth member.


Sarver thinks these tripods are charming because they never complain about their limits or differences and are always thankful to be alive.


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