A heartbreaking moment when a dog says goodbye to its owner

When 33-year-old Ryan Jessen died suddenly of a brain hemorrhage, hospital staff reacted unexpectedly.

The hospital was very kind to us and let us take my brother’s dog to see him off so he could understand why the owner didn’t come back. “Anyone who knows his brother knows how much he loves his beloved puppy,” Ryan’s sister Michelle wrote on Facebook.

While Ryan and his dog Molly’s touching moments were family-friendly, the video ultimately went viral.

In her blog post, Michelle said, “We are greatly influenced and humbled by the stories of others, their involvement in our pain, and the generosity of so many. It happened,” he wrote.

Molly the upset puppy is fine, said Ryan’s sister: “Don’t worry about the dog!” She’s with us! she is part of her family. Just before Christmas, Ryan’s donor heart will save the 17-year-old’s life, according to Michelle.


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